13864 106TH AVE
LARGO, FL 33774
Neighborhood Map
Property Details
This property is classified as Residential (Single Family).
The lot is 8464 square feet, the land value of which is assessed at .
There is one building on the property.
It was built in 1970.
This property is valued at .
The legal description of this lot is: "WOODLAND HILLS 1ST ADD".
Registered Voters
Voter | Address | Gender | Age | Party | Status |
HART, SUSANA ALVAREZ (PIN 106746626) | 13864 106TH AVE LARGO, FL 33774 | female | 70 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
HART, ROBERT R (PIN 106762394) | 13864 106TH AVE LARGO, FL 33774 | male | 70 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
These listings are address-matched and not guaranteed to be correctly linked to a property.
Source: Florida Division of Elections
Learn more about Largo through our Voter Demographics page.
Adjacent Properties
- 13846 106TH AVE (East)
STANKO, ANTHONY M IV - 13911 105TH TER (South)
BITTING, DONALD A - 13892 106TH AVE (West)